Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Glycosis (CA: Sugarless Books, 2010), a novel by Laurence Chalem


Book cover and video summary of Glycosis (CA: Sugarless Books, 2010), a novel by Laurence Chalem.

Available on Amazon.com here.

Chapters will be available to read via links to the right.

Psychosis (sī-kō’sĭs) noun; Psychotic (sī-kŏt’ĭk) adjective
(1) Abnormal condition of the mind.
(2) A severe mental disorder, with or without organic damage, characterized by derangement of personality and loss of contact with reality causing deterioration of normal social functioning.
Psycho (sī’kō) noun
A slang word for a person who is psychotic.

Glycosis (glī-kō’sĭs) noun; Glycotic (glī-kŏt’ĭk) adjective
(1) Abnormal condition of sugar in the body.
(2) A physical disorder comprised of too much glucose in the blood (BG). Although low BG is acutely more serious, high BG can lead to complications such as extreme hunger and thirst, fat, muscle or bone loss, frequent urination, depression, dementia, agitation, lethargy, loss of vision, loss of sensation, immune suppression, renal failure, liver and cardiovascular disease, gangrene, coma and death.
(3) Quantifiable maladaptation to carbohydrate(s). Example: if a species that uses glucose as its sole energy source is forced to consume a different carbohydrate instead, the survival rate would serve as the measure of adaptation or maladaptation to that fare. The lower the survival rate, the more the species as a whole is maladapted, the higher the glycosis. In omnivores, glycosis manifests as various afflictions.
Glyco (glī’kō) noun
(1) The chemical prefix for sweetness or sugar.
(2) A slang word for a person who is glycotic.